Monday, July 5, 2004

Judicial Nominations, take heed!

Caught this over at Tom Paine:

Early next week, the Senate will consider two nominations for lifetime seats on important courts: Thomas Griffith to the Federal Court of Appeals (second only to the U.S. Supreme Court) and J. Leon Holmes to the Arkansas District Court. Griffith's record includes hostility toward Title IX, which gives women equal status with men in scholastic athletics, and practicing law without a license. Holmes' view of women is positively archaic: he's said that "the wife is subordinate to her husband," and, in supporting an anti-choice amendment in Arkansas, refused to even allow an exception for rape victims. Join the National Women's Law Center and contact your senator to let them know you won't stand for these appointments. Call the Senate at 1-888-508-2974 to oppose Holmes, and ACT NOW  to oppose Griffith.

It won't make a difference who wins at the ballot box if the courts are stacked. Let's hope none of the Supremes decide to retire before the election, or none of the more liberal justices, heaven forbid, die.

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