Friday, July 9, 2004

Kerry/Edwards in NYC

Fundraiser at Radio City last night:

Tonight's event is an attempt to raise $7 million, most of which will go towards the Kerry/Edwards campaign.

After campaigning in the important swing states of Ohio and Pennsylvania, the newly-minted team of 'John-John' headed to Florida, the state that narrowly put President Bush in the White House.

John Kerry: "Thank you Florida, where this time, not only does every vote count, but every vote's is going to be counted."

Florida is a crucial state for victory this fall, and the latest polling shows a 43-43 tie. The choice of Edwards as a running mate may make a difference.

Since the selection of John Edwards, Republicans -- including the president -- have come out swinging. And as Republicans often do they've dug up the "l" word, in an attempt to paint Kerry and his new running mate as out-of-step with mainstream America.

Gov. Jeb Bush, (R) Florida: "He's very charismatic, he's a great talker, he's made a good living off of his ability to speak in the courtroom. But I think it validates the fact that Senator Kerry is a liberal." [Note: Jeb ain't the smart one either]

Perhaps Republicans are worried; Edwards brings his sunny disposition, his blue-collar upbringing and two young children -- reminiscent of Caroline and John Kennedy. But in a time of war, Edwards may cause concern. He has a slim national security resume, little foreign-policy experience.

Lotta Rock & Rolling going on. John Mellencamp, Dave Matthews, John Fogarty, Bon Jovi, and others, and a lot of Hollywood stars. Breakfast shindig on the West Side this morning.

Discuss until the kid wakes up.

Just a note I saw on the news, 4 of the 5 deadliest roads in New York State are in the county I live in and the 5th is in the county I work in. Could it be my driving?

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