Thursday, October 21, 2004

I love a good hanging

Cruising through Bubba's and I came across this. But when rifling through the 'comments', I saw my partner Gord was there before me. It's a great comment and I figured more people should read it instead of it being buried somewhere. So here it is:

Well, I can see that you're all being nicer to that bastard than I am. I do hate him. Personally. He is not a good person, and he is not a nice person. He is an attention-deficit-disordered dyslexic dry drunk with a messianic, little man complex and a mean streak who doesn't give a damn about anything besides power.

With his personal and business history, and that of his family going back about four generations, the gall of that little twerp to even think he should be President infuriates me. Stealing the election didn't help. If things had remained as they were before 9/11, maybe he could have pulled it off, but he has proven that that event was too much for his little pea brain.

His willingness to be led by the nose by the neo-cons, his incuriosity, his inability to see reality or take the advice of experts, his reliance on his 'instinct' (that must have been what made him such a success in business), his inability to admit mistakes, his fear of showing 'weakness' by doing so, and his interjection of his phony morality into our lives as public policy, all stoke the fire in my gut.

Commit a crime and tell the judge that 'God told me to do it' and watch what happens. You'll be in the rubber room so fast it'll make your head spin. Bush says that and a good percentage of people in this country actually believe it. That so many people want so desperately to believe in something like that saddens me no end, as I have always thought most people were rational and at least a little intelligent. He's got them fooled big time and works them like a red-headed step-child. He is outwardly religious, but it's a LIE, judging by the things he has done. He talks the talk, but his religiosity is empty of spirituality. The milk of human kindness does not exist in him.

Bush lies every time he opens his mouth. The only two words I have heard him say that were true are 'results matter' and his handlers made him quit saying that right fast, as his 'results' won't stand the light of day. He blames everybody else for things that are HIS responsibility. Maybe not always his fault, but being President, they ARE his responsibility. With Bush, the buck always stops somewhere else. After all, he's infallible. Ask him, he'll tell you.

Don't get me started on the cabal he installed around himself to effect the coup d'etat which will be up to Kerry (and us) to undo. I have never been to a hanging, but I am damn sure hoping for a twelve-roper. [my emphasis]

I'm wit ya, pal. Hope ya don't mind me grabbing this.

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