Tuesday, October 19, 2004

More College Daze

There is so much good, serious, anti-Bush shit starting to fly around the ether today (about time, I'd say) that I'm having a hard time deciding what to post, so I did the only logical thing: I chickened out. Here is more nonsense from Steve Harvey of the LATimes:

I mentioned that when a college opened in Camarillo, it was named Cal State University Channel Islands, though, of course, Camarillo is on the mainland. Rumor has it that school officials were afraid that the initials of a Cal State University Camarillo — CSUC — would draw unintended laughs. So now the school is CSUCI.The result? Marvin Petal notes that it's known to locals as Cal Sushi.

School daze (cont.): Continuing the discussion of school nicknames, Margo Kline writes that at that good-times school, UC Santa Barbara, "the initials UCSB are said by some of the rowdier students to stand for 'U Can Study Buzzed.' " (Kline points out that the school does have six Nobel Prize winners, so not everyone is partying.)

At happy-go-lucky UC Santa Cruz, meanwhile, student Dori Daniels says the joke is that the initials stand for Uncle Charlie's Summer Camp.

Hopefully, I'll be back later with some real stuff. If the coffee holds out.

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