Sunday, October 31, 2004

More On Election Trickery

This in the WaPo.

Dirty tricks are a staple of campaigns, but election officials say this year's could achieve new highs in numbers and new lows in scope, especially in key battleground states such as Florida and Ohio, where special-interest groups have poured in to influence the neck-and-neck race between President Bush and Sen. John F. Kerry.

The flier, distributed on bogus but official-looking stationery with a county letterhead, told voters that "due to immense voter turnout expected on Tuesday," the election had been extended. Republicans should vote Tuesday, Nov. 2, it said -- and Democrats on Wednesday. A criminal investigation has been launched.

Chris Lato, a spokesman for the Wisconsin Republican Party, called the fliers "appalling" but wondered whether Democratic interest groups might be to blame. He said circulators falsely claiming to represent the Republican Party might be trying to gin up turnout among black voters.

"First of all, the claim was false, and it seems a little obvious," he said. "We have a lot of these shadowy Democratic groups here in Wisconsin, and I wouldn't put it past 'em to do something like this to muck up the works

Oh, yeah, right, the Dems are doing it. You asshole.
Jane Platten, a spokeswoman for the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections, said officials have not identified who is behind the tricks. "We've never seen anything like this before, where there seems to be a concerted effort to to give voters misinformation," she said.

She must not have seen Bush's ads or heard any of his speeches or the debates. Or Faux News. Don't write to me. I know the Dems do it too, but we are rank amateurs compared to the 'Pub spinmeisters

I just hope people on both sides can see this crap for what it really is: An attempt to steal another election.

Bush damn near lost a rigged election in 2000. If it hadn't been for his daddy's judges, he would have. Now that we know him for what he really is, they've turned up the heat because they know he can't win this one. Their only hope is to keep folks from voting or disallow their votes. That's their two-pronged plan for their two-faced, twice-tongued beloved little Goatman. I love that, Goatman! Whee!

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