Sunday, October 17, 2004

Yes, him

Frank Luntz, that is, the Pillsbury Doughboy of pollsters and Republican spinmeister wrote this in London's Financial Times:

The big story of the US presidential election up to yesterday was how few undecided voters there were. Now the final presidential debate is over, these voters have essentially made up their minds - and it is George W. Bush who should be worried.

If John Kerry is elected the 44th president, it will be because of a single night in Miami, when he came to debate and Mr Bush came to - well, no one is quite sure. The double-digit lead that Gallup polls, long considered the authority for presidential polling, gave Mr Bush after the Republican convention was fully erased by that fateful 90-minute confrontation.

Step by step, debate by debate, John Kerry has addressed and removed many remaining doubts among uncommitted voters. My own polling research suggests a rather bleak outlook for the Bush candidacy: many who still claim to be "undecided" are leaning to Mr Kerry and are about ready to commit.

Can Mr Bush turn the tide in just 18 days? Absolutely, but he must address voters who still harbour economic and national security concerns. And that requires a fundamental shift in the president's strategy and message. Asserting that the economy is strong and Iraq a success is just not credible to the majority of Americans - or to the stubborn 5 per cent who remain uncommitted.

[. . .]

Via Jim Hightower.

Worrisome for Bush indeed. If Luntz is saying this, you know the Bush people know it. Look for a flood of dirty tricks to spew forth from the Repubs in the next couple weeks.

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