Wednesday, November 3, 2004

31 Down, ? To Go.....

Today is me and Mrs. G's 31st wedding anniversary. We have planned to go to Zano's, a new and pretty good Italian restaurant in our town. We had hoped to celebrate a Kerry victory as well as our nuptial milestone, but that ain't gonna happen.

We're gonna go anyway, of course, and we'll have a damn good time. We have a lot to be thankful for: Our union, our dogs, a nice home, a little financial security, our good health. If we let the election results deter us from living our lives in any way, then the terrorists in the White House have won.

Fuck them.

Update: 7:12pm OWT

Two interesting topics came up at dinner.

The first, and least interesting was brought up by me, of course. There was a young couple having dinner with their son, a cute kid of about two years old. I was watching him because he had really cool shoes. Everytime he moved his feet, little red lights would flash. I wondered if his parents knew how much money the kid owed already due to Dumbya.

Mrs. G said something real heavy. She said that the way she felt today was just like the way she felt when Bobby Kennedy was killed: To see your hopes and dreams for a better America irrevocably dashed. Only this time it wasn't a crazed Arab, it was our fellow citizens that did it.

As far as I am concerned, the Red v Blue thing no longer centers on Bush, although I hate him even more. The center has now moved to the larger half of the American public who voted for him. I have gone from just despising him to being disgusted and disappointed with my fellow citizens. Thanks for nothing, you stupid assholes. I want to be there when you realize what you've done. It'll be way too late and you'll probably find someone other than yourselves to blame. After all, that's your fearless leader's example, isn't it?

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