Monday, November 22, 2004


By now you've all seen the video of the basketball melee. I wasn't gonna comment, but since it's been drummed into my consciousness over the past few days, I gotta say something.

Everybody's all surprised. 'Ooh, basketball isn't supposed to be violent', everybody says. To steal a phrase from one of my favorite blogs, 'are you effin' kidding me'? 80% of the players are street thugs whose only redeeming value is that they can put a ball through a hoop most of the time. If the NCAA weren't the money-grubbing organization it is, this riff raff would have been culled before they made it to their sophomore year.

Hello! Dickheads! College is supposed to teach maturity and respect, along with giving you an education. It's a time of growing for young people, not a minor league for football and basketball.

Instead, they promote these morons because they have a talent for a game. Money talks, ethics and values be damned. And who gives a fuck if any of these guys actually gets an EDUCATION? And then the NBA gives these guys millions. Incredible. It also doesn't help that half the fans are thugs too. My solution, install boards and glass, a la hockey. Cage the animals on the court and keep the fans in the stands. End of problem. I'm done now.

I should add that at least David Stern (NBA Commissioner) is handing out stiff suspensions. The problem is in the appeal. Let's hope he stands his ground against the players union.

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