Friday, November 26, 2004

Black Friday

[. . .]

When Black Friday comes
I'm gonna dig myself a hole
Gonna lay down in it 'til
I satisfy my soul
Gonna let the world pass by me
The Archbishop's gonna sanctify me
And if he don't come across
I'm gonna let it roll
When Black Friday comes
I'm gonna stake my claim
I'll guess I'll change my name

-Steely Dan

It's 4 a.m. and I'm on my 2nd cup of coffee. Kohl's is having an after Thanksgiving sale and the doors open at 5:30. Didn't I tell ya the Mrs. was a professional shopper? Hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving, even the Jesuslanders. Hey, it's early and I'm being charitable. Leave me alone.

So, go out and shop today. After what (p)resident Nut Sack has done to the economy, it's up to us to keep it going.

Update: 07:15:

Well, I'm home and back in bed, 'blogsturbating' (© 2004 The Fixer) while the Mrs. is watching a cooking show. How she can look at food after all we ate yesterday is amazing. My point is that we got out early and we're back early, and I have a whole bunch of presents for my relatives in Germany. The Mrs. did all her research online and we went and got exactly what we needed and got out. No fucking around. Professional shopper.

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