Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Cardboard and Trash Bags For Democracy

Mrs. G and I arrived at our polling place at about 10 after 7. There were about twelve people ahead of us. I don't know if that's unusual or not as we usually vote in the early evening. Today, Mrs. G wanted to wear her "I Voted" sticker to work, so we went early. The most dramatic moment occurred when the line stalled for a minute right beside a table holding a couple dozen donuts for the poll workers. The drama ended with Mrs. G's withering look, which said in no uncertain terms: "Eat
their donut = walk home."

Our polling place is in the Truckee-Donner Public Utility District building, in the Board meeting room. A lot of local political drama takes place here and some of it is televised on our local cable access channel. Water and power is heady stuff in a small town.

We have seen a lot of stuff on TV about all the fancy new electronic voting machines and how they may all be rigged by 'Pubs or hackers. It's not going to be a problem in Truckee.

We were issued our two-page ballots in a folder along with a #2 pencil and proceeded to a voting booth. Our voting booths are made of cardboard, with half a trash bag for a privacy curtain. Nothing but the best for us! Democracy will stand for no less!

For the devil-may-care types, there were tables at which to sit, out in the open for all the world to see. I chose a booth, Mrs. G the table. She's a wild woman, I tell you!

The poll lady tore the stubs off our ballots and directed us to put the ballots in the ballot box, but not the folder. I remarked that it was like not putting the McDonalds tray in the trash along with the empty McFood wrappers. This got a laugh. These people are bored. They have to be there 'til 8pm, too. Patriots all.

There was no line when we left. We were parked next to a car with a B**h-C****y sticker. I managed to wrest control of the wheel away from Mrs. G and foiled her attempt to ram it.

We stopped at 7-11 for a fancy coffee for Mrs. G and a breakfast burrito for me.

Now the waiting. For once, I'm glad my teeth are safely in a jar. Otherwise, I would likely chew my fingernails off down to about my elbows.

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