Sunday, November 14, 2004

Dowd Nails It To The Cross

Maureen Dowd writes about the hate-filled pseudo-Christian bigot attitude towards their new False Idol and the rest of us, in the NYTimes:
You'd think the one good thing about merging church and state would be that politics would be suffused with glistening Christian sentiments like "love thy neighbor," "turn the other cheek," "good will toward men," "blessed be the peacemakers" and "judge not lest you be judged."

Yet somehow I'm not getting a peace, charity, tolerance and forgiveness vibe from the conservatives and evangelicals who claim to have put their prodigal son back in office.

I'm getting more the feel of a vengeful mob - revved up by rectitude - running around with torches and hatchets after heathens and pagans and infidels.

Bob Jones III, president of the fundamentalist college of the same name, has written a letter to the president telling him that "Christ has allowed you to be his servant" so he could "leave an imprint for righteousness," by appointing conservative judges and approving legislation "defined by biblical norm."

"In your re-election, God has graciously granted America - though she doesn't deserve it - a reprieve from the agenda of paganism," Mr. Jones wrote. "Put your agenda on the front burner and let it boil. You owe the liberals nothing. They despise you because they despise your Christ." Way harsh

Read B.J.'s whole letter here, if you've got the stomach for it.

Here, Ms. Dowd describes how the Christian Retarded Right lays into that Commie Rat Bastard, Arlen Specter, for daring to question their agenda. And a little about that other good Bible-thumper, John Ashcroft. Read it.
And since the president has no end in sight to his war on terror, that makes him infallible ad infini-tum?

So now the 'Christians' want their pay-off. I can't wait to watch the the fun when the Christers figure out that since they got him elected, Bush doesn't need them anymore. I think they're gonna be very irate when they find out he used 'em like a two-dollar whore and then didn't pay them.

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