Monday, November 22, 2004

End deliberate childlessness

From Jesus' General. He tells us about Bryce Christiansen of Southern Utah State University whose views on how we must "address cohabitation and casual divorce and deliberate childlessness". Another Winger wacko. The General gives some advice:

[. . .]

The third, ending deliberate childlessness, will be much harder to accomplish. Sure, we can pass laws to outlaw contraceptive devices, but the Godless masses will just employ natural contraception like the rhythm method and deviant practices involving the application of one's mouth to a little soldier, or in the case of the ladies, the elusive little sailor in the boat.

I say we test all newly married couples. If the wife is barren, we should require the couple to take on a handmaid. If she is able to conceive, then we give the couple a year to accomplish it, and if she fails to conceive in that time, we require the couple to adopt a frozen embryo-American.

But we can't stop there. Every womb is capable of at least a good ten years of nearly constant occupancy. "Ten years, ten kids" should be our goal.

I can imagine what Mrs. F would do if they told her she had to keep her womb occupied for 10 years, let alone telling her she'd have 10 rugrats running around forever. Somebody would have a foot in their ass.

I don't get these folks. I mean, I got nothing against a woman who wants to have 10 kids; have 20, more power to ya' but don't make me do the same thing. What in Hell ever happened to live and let live, as long as it's with consenting adults?

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