Sunday, November 14, 2004

How to tell if you are living in a Red or Blue State

Since I seem to be on a Sunday/pseudo-Christian-bashing kick, go see this from Betty Bowers: America's Best Christian. Some selections:
Blue States: Home of good schools
Red States: Homeskooled good

Blue States: Want a big tent for their Party.
Red States: Wears a big tent to her party.

Blue States: Provide the "tax" part of "tax and spend"
Red States: Provide the "spend on a new 8-lane highway to link a Wal-Mart to the Olive Garden" part of "tax and spend"

Blue States: Watched friends in New York die in foxy attacks on America
Red States: Attack New York on Fox for not being friends of America

Blue States: Believe God loves us and gave everyone free will to be different
Red States: Believe God willed us to freely hate everyone different

Blue States: Want the right for everyone to worship as they choose
Red States: Want the right to choose everyone's worship

There's more. Have fun.

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