Monday, November 15, 2004


A good question asked by Hecate (guest blogging for Atrios):

[. . .]

Now, we're stuck in another quagmire, probably worse than Viet Nam. Again, young people are dying for no reason and others try to protest in as dramatic a fashion as possible. I don't think suicide is the answer, but I'd love to see a discussion. How can we effectively protest this insane war? What would work? Boycotts? Marches? Let's think creatively. The times call for it.

How come we don't have the huge marches I remember from that time? I mean, with the Internet, it should be easier to organize and mobilize people, right? If we're so against this war, why haven't the 'agitators' gotten people out in the streets in large numbers? If protest marches were the nightly fare in the news, as they were 35 years ago, they should be again today. We have to keep pressure on the White House, keep 'em under the gun, and move public opinion solidly against the war. Just sayin'.

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