Sunday, November 21, 2004

In'N'Out Urge

This isn't political, but it is regional. Bruce Van Dyke describes his longing for, quest, and ultimate satisfaction with a West Coast favorite that has just opened its first outlet in the Reno area. From the Reno News & Review.
I’d been putting it off now for a while. In fact, for too long. There is a time to procrastinate, certainly, but there is also a time to un-crastinate. I figured I’d better crastinate on down the road and go get me a god-dang In’N’Out burger.

Oh, I had heard the stories, fast becoming legend in this neck of the sagebrush pygmy forest. Stories of people waiting in line for two, three, even six hours to get their first taste of In’N’Out sin. People running out of gas while idling in the drive-thru, waiting overnight in motorhomes, and riding in on mopeds from Winnemucca, all for the chance to sample a good, cheap cheeseburger. Many things have changed in 21st century America. Fanatical burger love, though, holds on with effortless ease

Meanwhile, the walk-in option wasn’t much of an alternative for those in a hurry. Hungry carnivores were already spilling out that door and into the day. Back in drive-thru, I reached the second member of the crack In’N’Out drill team, who asked for my order. I stuck with the basics: burger, fries, lemonade. I remembered the instructions of an In’N’Out fanatic, who advised me to go with the “4 by 4,” classic INO insider lingo referring to a burger with four patties and four slices of cheese. Maybe some midnight after my next beer and bong poker party, I would dare to go with the 4 X 4. Perhaps the 5 X 5! But not today. I did forget, though, to order “animal style,” which means you want grilled onions on that burg. Damn. (Don’t look for these options on the menu. They aren’t there. It’s all part of the In’N’Out mystique, y’understand).

And you know what? The burger was good. Very good. The fries were decent, but nothing to inspire a rock opera. But the burger was cool. If only I had gone with the grilled onions

These are the best fast-food style burgers out West, bar none. The menu is limited, no chicken or salads here. Nothing frozen, everything fresh. Cheap 'n' good. Get some.

Oh, the title of this post? That's the way folks modify the In 'N' Out Burger bumper sticker before affixing it to their bumper. Be sure to visit their website.

Damn, I just made myself hungry! Maybe if I order a sack o'burgers from their website they'll come out the exit slot of my printer.....

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