Thursday, November 18, 2004

Law And Limits

Since I'm on the subject of 'Bugs' DeLay, here's some Molly Ivins on that roach, and the increased spending limit:
DeLay is one of the leading forces in making "Republican ethics" into an oxymoron.

DeLay has already been admonished by the House ethics committee three times on separate violations of ethics rules. Please note, that is the Republican-dominated ethics committee. The hilarious rationale offered by the R's for the new rule to exempt DeLay is that no one can accuse them of taking the moral low road here because, "That line of reasoning accepts that exercise of the prosecutor in Texas is legitimate."

These people consider themselves so far above the law that they feel the only motive must be political. That's what they say, anyway. They know DeLay's a crook, but he's their crook, and he shares the political loot, so they're more than willing to overlook and ridicule the legal process that, if a Dem Congressman did the same thing, they'd be using to demand his head in the name of "law and order". In a New York minute.
In furtherance of moral values, Congress now has to raise the debt limit by another $800 billion. We actually reached the debt ceiling in early October, but obviously the R's didn't want that vote coming up before the election. Then after they finish spending a staggering amount of money, the R's will return to make Bush's tax cuts permanent.

I realize the "liberal elites" are not allowed to even quote the word "dumb" lest we be accused of "cultural condescension" toward our salt-of-the-earth red-state compatriots. Since I'm a populist happily living in the midst of a quite red state (some of my best friends are named Bubba), I never pay any attention to such horsepoop. But I do resent it when the people running the country think we're so dumb they can rip us off and then tell us to pray.

It's not that they think we're dumb. It's just that they know there's nothing we can do about their crimes. They can piss on our legs and tell us they're pissing on our legs and smile, the arrogant criminal bastards. They lie, cheat, and steal, and they'll all be enjoying an exceedingly comfortable retirement on our money when the bill comes due.

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