Sunday, November 7, 2004

More Whining On The Bright Side

After reading Fixer's post I have to admit something out loud that I've thought for quite a while now. I haven't wanted to because it's unpalatable, to say the least, but now it's unavoidable: Bush's election may very well have been for the best.

Naturally, we all wanted his madness to end right fucking now! Guess what. Ain't gonna happen and the sooner we realize we had our collective ass kicked by masters, the better off we'll be and the sooner we can plan for the rematch.

When the world hands you lemons, make lemonade. We've been handed the biggest lemon in history, so we oughta be able to make a lot of lemonade. So much that we can make those bastards drown in it. If the Lemon Laws applied to politicians instead of used cars, we'd have 'em by the short n' curlies. But I digress.

It should be obvious to even the most casual observer that the Right does not care about facts, truth, performance, or serious issues to select their "leader". Instead, they care about bullshit issues like their so-called "moral values". Moral values are fine. I have them and voted accordingly for the more moral candidate, but their side believes in selfish, negative, bigoted, intolerant, ritualistic values as opposed to spiritual values. Style over substance. Rove realized this and played to it and it paid off big time.

The Dems made their big mistake, it seems in retrospect, in thinking that Americans do care about what's right about the real issues. If we become more like the Right and pander to the dark side, then we've lost for good and all. Someone once said, "I'd rather be right than President", and that's where we stand now.

What do we do? Good question.

First, we all gotta do a lot of thinking. The better minds among us will come up with something. We've got time now, two or four years.

Second, HAMMER! HAMMER! HAMMER! We gotta keep hammering away at everything we see the bastards do that's wrong, which is nearly everything. We'll have a lot of unwitting help with this from the administration, I am sure. Also, there are quite a few administration insiders that will be bailing soon, like rats leaving a sinking ship. I hope some of them turn on their former masters and let us in on some of the behind-the-scenes shit we need to know to bring the bastards down. It would help if the various media realize what patsies they've been and grow a pair. We need that, but don't count on it. If it happens, it will help a lot, and be a pleasant surprise.

While blogging around, I've noticed that there are generally two responses to our defeat. There are those who say to try and come together and heal the wounds and division in our country. Like that'd work. It's a noble idea but it plays right into their hands. It would help them consolidate their power and, worse, they'd be more convinced they were right. To all who follow this road I say, while you're down there on your knees........

I wish I had the patience to look this shit up, but someone else said, "I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees." This is the other response. We're down now, but by no means out. I've had my ass kicked before, and it always went a lot better on the second go-round. We now know the oppo's strengths as well as their weaknesses. If they try that double-throw-down secret sucker punch again we can be ready for it. Their strength will become their weakness. Political Judo, so to speak. With a little Kung-fu, Karate, and fuck-'em-up waza thrown in, plus the old number tens in the crotch for good measure. This is the camp I am firmly in. I am going to get a copy of "The Art Of War" by Sun Tzu and study it.

This administration may implode from within. That is good, but we gotta help it along.

By the time you read this, I will have thunk up a whole bunch more I wish I had said, so stand by.

I regret that I have but one keyboard to give for my country.

It is most definitely on.

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