Thursday, November 4, 2004

Nothing's changed

From the BBC:

Human Rights Watch says it is likely crucial evidence for the trials of Saddam Hussein and other former Iraqi officials has been lost or tainted.
US-led coalition forces failed to secure relevant sites after last year's invasion of Iraq, the group says.

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But it says it is likely some evidence has been tainted or lost because of inaction or negligence by US-led coalition forces.

Human Rights Watch alleges that the coalition's failure to prevent or minimise the looting and destruction of government buildings in April 2003 led to the widespread removal of state archives, which are now virtually impossible to trace.

[. . .]

Link via WTF Is It Now??

Wouldn't it be something if Saddam worms his way out of trouble and returns to run the country? You laugh. Marion Barry was elected to public office, again, on Tuesday.

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