Saturday, November 20, 2004

Paradigm shift?


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Steven Weisman of The Times reported that administration hawks were also talking about fresh intelligence on Iran's support for Hezbollah, which the world has known about for decades, and Iran's support for insurgents in Iraq, another old story. The hawks seem to be already starting to throw cold water on the prospects for a negotiated solution to the Iranian nuclear problem while trying to open the door to contemplating a military option. An administration official told The Times that Mr. Powell was trying to avoid meeting with the Iranian foreign minister at a conference both men are to attend in Egypt next week.

Small wonder, then, that the Europeans started to accuse Washington of trying to undermine diplomacy with Iran, just as the Bush administration thwarted their efforts to resume the U.N. inspections of Iraq - inspections that we now know had been highly effective.

Iran has long been a target of the hawks in the administration, who are undoubtedly feeling their oats after the election. But we hope that President Bush has learned enough from the Iraq adventure to understand the dangers of using flawed intelligence to create a false sense of urgency about a national security threat. [my emphasis]

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I guess they recognize the Inept Administration's posturing now, since none of them (NYT, WaPo, others) had the nuts to call Bush on it during the buildup to Iraq. You hear the saber-rattling already, right? Do you think that ball-less Uncle Tom (Colin Powell) would have come out with the statement he did yesterday if Condi would have been credible floating that balloon?

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Secretary of State Colin L. Powell thrust himself into the debate on Wednesday by commenting to reporters that fresh intelligence showed that Iran was "actively working" on a program to enable its missiles to carry nuclear bombs, a development he said "should be of concern to all parties."

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People (even journalists) are starting to get it now, I hope. Bush & Co. are trading on what's left of Powell's credibility ('cause nobody trusts Bush's bed wench, CondoLIEzza), getting the issue out there in order to warm us up to the idea of taking military action against Iran. This is the same rhetoric we heard in the months before we invaded Iraq. Hey, what the hell? We got troops and bases right next door, right? No problem diverting some of them to Iran, right? That's the way people without a clue plan combat operations. Get used to it, we got another 4 years of this bullshit.

At least, the press is starting to ask the right questions instead of kneeling before Bush with their mouths open. Some of them anyway.

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