Sunday, November 14, 2004

Politics in Religion

Jeff looks at it a little differently. While we're on the subject of hypocrisy:

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Needless to say, while the holy one not only meant that the church (any church) should stay out of politics, no doubt this doctrine was also intended as an "internal memo" as well. If J.C. was telling his followers to keep out of state politics, he was also saying, "Keep the politics OUT of the church as well."

[. . .]

You see, gays are only a pawn in their game. The leadership knows that the redemption of homosexuals is a totally lost cause and frankly, they could care less about them.

But, at the same time, why let such a traditionally prejudicial hatred go untapped? And so, they decided to use the issue of gay rights as both a wedge and a firestarter to further other causes, including the election of their faux-christian Presidential candidate.

[. . .]

Go read.

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