Friday, November 12, 2004

The problem with Dems

You see, this is the problem I have weith my fellow Democrats, ones in high places. They have no fucking balls. Joe Biden, whom I like a lot says this:

"I think he's a pretty solid guy," Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., Democrat of Delaware, said of Mr. Gonzales.

And my senior senator from NY, Schmuck Schumer:

"There's a feeling that Gonzales is less confrontational that John Ashcroft and he at least tries to reach out," Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, said in an interview. "His style is not to throw down the gauntlet. So the White House has taken a step back from the red-hot confrontation that Ashcroft embodied, but we don't know how big a step back."

And that nut-job Pat Leahy from Vermont:

Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (Vt.), the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, saying: "I don't see Judge Gonzales as being a controversial nomination -- at least not a lightning rod type."

So that's the Dem mindset. "At least it's not Ashcroft." We've been through the most divisive election in history, the Repubs have branded us as traitors, and these fucking guys just roll over and play dead. This is why we're in Iraq, because none of 'em had the testicles to stand up and say 'no'. And we wonder how these Fascists got so much power? You can compare the Dems to the German government just before Hitler took over. (Expect a Reichstag Fire in the next 48 months. Tinfoil hat? I don't think so.) Nothing against John Kerry, but I think we need a few more Howard Deans in Congress before we need another Kerry.

It's time for 'Machine Politics'. The Democratic Platform and Talking Points should be defined, refined, and turned into the Holy Grail. Red state Dems should toe the line or get their membership card and funding yanked. Ever listen to a Red state Dem? Republican Lite, and that's unacceptable. Guys like Zell Miller should be tossed out of the Party, period.

Stupid lines like the ones above should also put funding in jeopardy. Every Bush nomination should be challenged, especially the nomination of someone with a record like Gonzales. What, afraid of pissing off the Latins? They'll get over it, especially when they lose more of their freedoms and they're the target of hate crimes by newly emboldened Jesuslanders.

It is unconscionable that Washington has gone back to business as usual. What we do in the next decade will influence American history for the next century and it's time to lay the groundwork to bring this country back to its former glory. It's time to plan for the 2nd American Century. We need our leaders to lead, not go through the motions.

Hello, Democrats, being in Washington is not about the Georgetown party circuit. It's about keeping the dream of our Founding Fathers alive and waking us from this national nightmare known as the Bush Administration.

And a bit of truth from Lambert:

The Democrats have to get used to the idea that the Republicans work all the time. The Republicans don't take time off because they got all emotional about the election. The Republicans don't take time off because, after all, the Senate isn't in session. The Republicans don't take time off because it's the holiday season. The Republicans don't take time off because, after all, the President just got elected and it's OK to give him some slack. The Republicans never stop, and since their goal is the destruction of the Democratic Party and all it stands for, it's really surprising, or not, that Schumer and Biden are so lazy and willing to go along.

Quotes courtesy of Corrente.

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