Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Rule Change To Shield DeLay

From The Hill.
The House GOP caucus is likely to vote today to end its rule requiring leaders to step down if indicted, thus shielding Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) in the event that criminal charges are brought against him in a highly controversial case in Texas.

In the 108th Congress, GOP conference rules require a leader to step aside temporarily if indicted on a felony charge that carries a prison term of two or more years. A separate rule applies to committee chairmen.

Bonilla’s proposal would drop the requirement that a leader step aside if indicted by a grand jury or a state prosecutor.

“It would be the height of hypocrisy for a party that came to power promising to clean house to deliberately clear the way for a corrupt and unethical member under indictment to lead the people’s House,” a Democratic leadership aide said.

I've said many times that our country is in the hands of a criminal cabal. Now that the crooks have grabbed all the power, they're going to legitimize criminality by making the appearance of impropiety OK, at least until they're convicted. If DeLay is ever convicted, then we'll see if they change the rules again to allow convicted felons to run the House.

As one Republican official said, "It's not about what's legal. It's about what we can make legal."

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