Wednesday, November 17, 2004

True to form

They screwed the troops, now they're screwing the cops. Via are you effin' kidding me?

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The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) said that cuts by the administration in federal aid to local police agencies have left the nation more vulnerable than ever to public safety threats. The 20,000-member group also said in a statement that new anti-terrorism duties for local cops - which have come as state and local budgets have declined and historically low crime rates have crept upward - have pushed police agencies to "the breaking point."

The statement reflected the ongoing tension between the administration and many local police chiefs, who believe the White House has saddled them with anti-terrorism tasks without much regard to the cost.

Among other things, members of the chiefs' group have long complained about localities having to pay millions of dollars in overtime costs when the U.S. government issued terrorism alerts. The group also is annoyed that President Bush is phasing out a $10 billion program begun by the Clinton administration in 1996 to help local departments hire tens of thousands more cops.

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Seems Clinton did more to keep our homeland safe than (p)resident Chimpy. Like everything else they do, they expect our first responders, just like our troops, to work on a shoestring. Heaven forbid they take a bite out of the tax cuts all the rich folks are getting.

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