Wednesday, November 17, 2004

We shall survive

The Talking Dog:

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Our republic has survived venal people before. Of course, in general, at least those venal people usually had some basic levels of competence. We're about to see if our Founders could anticipate not merely venal people, but venal and insanely stupid and irresponsible people.

We'll likely survive this group too. However, no bets please.

Let us hope. Now that Bush has reordered his Reich with CondoLIEzza as 'the face of America', we should find ourselves even more isolated in the international community than during the first 4 years of Bush World. Unlike Powell, who received the benefit of the doubt by our oldest allies, they all know what Condi's about. With her at the helm at Foggy Bottom, don't expect them to give us shit.

This is even more worrisome:

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But some in the foreign policy community are very much concerned by the elevation of Rice's deputy, Stephen Hadley, as her replacement as national security adviser. And they are waiting anxiously to see who will be named as Rice's deputy at State, and likewise who will be Hadley's deputy at the National Security Council.

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Do you think there will be ANY dissenting opinions at NSC briefings? This is also good:

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Also important is who replaces Hadley. Speculation is focused on Elliott Abrams, who now is in charge of Middle East policy at the NSC. Abrams, who was convicted and later pardoned in the Iran-Contra scandal, is seen by some at the State Department as fiercely pro-Israel. [my emphasis]

Imagine if a Dem put a convicted felon on the NSC staff? We'd never hear the end of the screaming from the Right. Where are our people? The only people screaming on the Left are the bloggers. What in Hell is going on at the DNC? It seems as if as soon as the elections were over, the Dem leadership gave up. Do you think Harry Reid will make any noise over these appointments? Yeah, neither did I.

Maru says it best:

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By naming nanny, chronic liar and worthless national security adviser Condoleezza Rice as Colin Powell's replacement , the neocons effectively give the unsolicited finger to the world.

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