Friday, December 24, 2004

Bug the Krauts

Via RDF at Corrente:

. . . And call on the German Federal Prosecutor to INVESTIGATE RUMSFELD and other U.S. officials for war crimes at Abu Ghraib. See if that “big grin” is operative in a courtroom. . .

There's an email form letter you can electronically sign and it will be sent to the German Federal Prosecutor.

The Center for Constitutional Rights and four Iraqis who were tortured in U.S. custody filed a complaint on November 30 with the German Federal Prosecutor’s Office against high ranking United States civilian and military commanders over the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison and elsewhere in Iraq.

We are asking the German prosecutor to launch an investigation because the U.S. government is unwilling to open an independent investigation into the responsibility of these officials for war crimes and the U.S. has refused to join the International Criminal Court. CCR and the Iraqi victims brought this complaint to Germany as a court of last resort. Several of the defendants are stationed in Germany.

[. . .]

This might be the only way justice is served, being that the corrupt regime in the White House sure as hell won't do anything, and are probably just as culpable.

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