Friday, December 31, 2004

It'll happen again

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Set up an early warning or detection system against natural disasters? It looks good on paper, but who will foot the bill? Asia has weathered countless natural disasters that have claimed millions of lives. In the medium term, the odds of a tsunami disaster of this scale happening again are rather small. Governments certainly will pragmatically take their chances rather than devote resources to a project akin to an insurance policy against a natural disaster which may or may not happen again for many years.

There are many far more pressing problems on Asian governments' agendas. Natural disasters are perceived fatalistically as unavoidable. It's easier and cheaper to lose a few sheep from the flock to the wolves, than it is to go to the trouble of seeking new pastures free from wolves. Cynical as it may sound, that is the old way for Asia and last Sunday's disaster won't change it.


Until the value of human life goes up in that part of the world, natural disasters will continue to wreak havoc. The only reason we're (U.S. government) paying so much attention in the first place is because white, Western folk were involved. I don't see us show so much concern when thousands die in Bangladesh every year from the floods in the rainy season. If the Primate Proletariat hadn't been shamed into it, they'd have ignored the situation completely.

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