Sunday, December 26, 2004

Truck Lag, Newsweek, and the 10 Undercovered Stories of '04

If you get the idea that this post and the two below seem to be sort of heavily relying on Newsweek,well, you're right. We drove home from the Coast yesterday, Christmas Day, hoping to avoid the worst of the traffic and give Mrs. G a day of rest before she goes back to the mines. If we did avoid the traffic, God help those who are driving North-South in California today.

Anyway, we collected our mail on the way home and there was a Newsweek. I was tired after eight hours in the saddle so all I did last night was read it. I thought there were some mighty good articles, so today, being in the throes of Truck Lag and consequently lazy, those are what I am posting.

Elinor Clift has a good article on the 10 undercovered stories of 2004. Read it. Her piece is only on line.
From Iraq casualties to health care to evolution, these are the issues that should have received more attention from the media in 2004.

Go read the whole issue. It's the year-end summary and has lots of good photos, cartoons, quotes and articles. Great in the bathtub while lettin' them tired-and-sore-making toxins out.

I hope to be back to normal by tomorrow. That probably raises more questions than it answers.

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