Sunday, December 5, 2004


An update on my trials and tribulations. Got 2 new TVs yesterday and tried to get a microwave. I say tried because it takes me less time to buy a car than it did to try to buy this microwave. Not just any microwave, mind you.

It had to be the same model Panasonic Genius that we bought 15 years ago. Needless to say, nobody locally had it, and they all said it would be exorbitant to special-order so the Mrs. goes on the Panasonic website. She finds it and tries to order it online. The website is down. Fine. She calls the help desk who, after keeping her on hold for 23 minutes, basically told her she was an idiot for not being able to figure out the website. I tried it and it didn't work either. Asshole. So she calls another 800-number and gets someone else over at Panasonic. "No, we can't take your order at this number," was the reply. WTF?

My wife is more than ready to part with $800 and you don't want to take it? If it weren't that she is so committed to this Panasonic (it was an excellent unit for 15 years), we would have bought from someone else. Sharp, for instance, who is one of the Mrs.' clients and who I'm sure would have yielded a deep discount.

She finally gets another number to one of their warehouses (in Mississippi). Hallelujah, after close to 4 1/2 hours of fighting with people, this freiendly southern guy there takes her order and gives it to her for $100 less than Panasonic lists on their website. Happy Day!

I still have to look at replacements for the VCRs, depending what they'll (Liberty Mutual) give me on 'em. I'm debating getting a combo VCR/DVD recorder, being that VHS is going the way of the dinosaur and I have a lot of tapes that could stand being put on disk. I'm still working off my laptop too, and will have to until they figure out what my 2 computers were worth. An upside is that the guy was here yesterday and the fridge and oven can be fixed for about $800 combined and I don't have to take 'em out(built-ins since I remodeled the kitchen). Oy! Off to go grocery shopping. More blogging later.

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