Friday, January 7, 2005

On DeLay

From Ezra:

[. . .]

. . . When he appears on my screen it feels like Sean Hannity's blow-dried smugness, George W. Bush's ignorant arrogance, Dick Cheney's intense malevolence and Jerry Falwell's glutton-flavored interpretation of piety have all merged into one man, a veritable Megazord of distasteful qualities . . .

[. . .]

Like he says in his post, he's not adding anything to the discourse, "It's just this visceral loathing." I like the description. I also like what he says about the GOP:

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. . . For being considered the party with the most developed ideas and the most coherent morality, they're really just a hollow shell. A bunch of satellite groups offering intellectual legitimacy and policy thought but, in the center, just a bunch of demagogues obsessed with consolidating power . . .

[. . .]

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