Thursday, February 17, 2005

A hireling, a fraud and a prostitute

Here's part of an article in The Guardian about Gannongate. You should read the rest of it. Those Limeys use English like they invented it.
Inserting an agent directly into the White House press corps was a daring operation. Until his exposure, he proved useful for the White House. But the longer-term implication is the Republican effort to sideline an independent press and undermine its legitimacy. "Spin" seems quaint. "In this day and age," said press secretary McClellan, waxing philosophical about the Gannon affair, "when you have a changing media, it's not an easy issue to decide or try to pick and choose who is a journalist." It is not that the White House press secretary cannot distinguish who is or is not a journalist; it is that there are no journalists, just the gaming of the system for the concentration of power.

I think the FBI, or some young reporter who'd like to make his bones and who's not afraid of jail or warm climates, should look at Guckert's phone and IP logs to see who's been availing themselves of his other non-journalistic offerings.

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