Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Vieques? No! Florida? Si!

Speaking as one of the few people you know who has actually spent time on Vieques, a true Caribbean paradise - NOT! -, I direct you to this article from the Institute For Southern Studies:
This is all happening because the Navy lost its testing and practice grounds on Vieques Island, Puerto Rico. A popular uprising, including everyone from churches to pop stars to pro athletes, eventually forced the Navy to leave, after they had occupied much of the island for nearly fifty years. Now they need to shift testing to sites in the U.S., where the prime candidates include a series of locations in Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida, where live bombing exercises will take place at three ranges in the panhandle and central Florida.

I heartily concur. I think one of the best uses of my tax money (the South gets it anyway) would be for bombing and gunnery ranges in the South. My preference would be smack dab in the middle of the state capitols (BDA would be easier, wink wink), but I'll take what I can get. Go read. Lotsa links.

update and shameless self-promotion. Go read My Poem Below The Fold.

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