Friday, March 11, 2005

'Bama Brush-Off

Two minor good news posts in a row! Is the world as I know it coming to an end? Well, hardly, but our Snake-Oil-Salesman-in-Chief is getting less than the reception he wants in one of the reddest-necked states. That's a good thing. From The Carpetbagger Report.
When Bush swings through Montgomery today to discuss his controversial plan to revamp Social Security, only one, U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers of Anniston, has confirmed plans to attend.

Representatives for most of the other six Republicans in the delegation cited a crush of business during an exceptionally busy week in Washington. But Carl Grafton, a political scientist at Auburn University Montgomery, where Bush will speak, said lawmakers also have no reason to cozy up to the president on a potentially toxic issue such as Social Security reform.

You know things are going poorly for Bush's Social Security scheme when Republicans in Alabama give the president the brush off.

These are the kind of lawmakers whom the White House probably expects to support anything Bush wants by virtue of Bush wanting it. And now, some of them don't even want to be on the stage with the president when he's talking about his signature domestic policy goal.

Those 'Bama pols have to face something Bush doesn't: Re-election in '06. They have a big electorate that lives for them green checks every 3rd of the month, and they don't want to be tarred with the brush of supporting The Evil Dr. Bush's Travelling Salvation Show. Even for a taste of poison Snake Oil.

I think I'd find some "crushing business" to keep me away too, like the grand opening of a pizza parlor or having to try out some new fishing line.

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