Saturday, March 26, 2005

A Few More "Nuclear Options"

The Republicans would very much like to see the end of the filibuster, but they've got more in the works than just that. Reason Gone Mad has 14 more rules they will impose - on everybody but themselves, of course. Go read. Here's a coupla my favorites:
3. When a roll-call vote is required, the clerk shall call the name of every Republican senator and record each senator's "yea" or "nay" until all Republicans have voted. At that point, the clerk may leave for the day.

5. When a Republican senator drops a new bill into the hopper on the clerk's desk, it shall immediately become law.

6. Senate Democrats may no longer use a filibuster to thwart the daily 5:30 p.m. vote on the "Looks Like It's Time to Send the Democratic Senators Out to Buy Us Some Chips and Beer" Act.

13. FYI, next Thursday the Senate Rules Committee will be replaced by a laptop computer running Diebold's new IronFist™ Legislative Debate Management software.

That last one would eliminate any pesky holdover "ethics" that may still be slowing the Republican agenda, huh?

Since I stole all this from Grannyinsanity, I owe it to her to post a couple of her additional recommendations:
Any Rebublican Contributor may parade any Senate Democrat around naked on a leash after Church on Sundays.

Oh boy! Ted Kennedy and Robert Byrd! I can hardly wait!
All medical decisions for the Proles will henceforth be made by gun wielding anti abortionists.

Oh boy! Gunfights with bad guys! Some of us gun-totin', white hat-wearin', former military good guy Democrats would just fuckin' love that, you betcha!

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