Wednesday, March 9, 2005

Morning thoughts

Pilfered from Champollion at Rising Hegemon:

The minimum wage bill is hung up in the Senate where there is no agreement in sight to raise the minimum wage over $5.15 an hour.

WASHINGTON - The Senate defeated dueling proposals Monday to raise the $5.15-an-hour minimum wage — one backed by organized labor, the other salted with pro-business provisions — in a day of skirmishing that reflected Republican gains in last fall's elections.

And remember, the Republicans have also made it easier for employers to allow comp time in lieu of time-and-a-half when an employee goes over 40 hours in a workweek.

We are so third world. Cue up Lee Greenwood, please.

Indeed. After 4 more years of Bush, all America will be known for is cheap labor and bad government. I guess it's a way to solve the immigration problems. The illegals will look somewhere else for better-paying employment opportunities.

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