Sunday, March 20, 2005

War and Anti-War

Pictures of the UFPJ and ANSWER Anti-War rallies in NY City yesterday can be viewed here and here

The march began and we marched down to 42nd Street, with people in front carrying the coffins. Then we marched down 42nd street to Times Square. Along 42nd Street and into Times Square a lot of people saw us go by, and the media was all over Times Square. Then they announced for direct action people to move to the front. I am afraid to say I was not as brave and sacrificing as those people, and was trying to avoid being arrested - despite this, I stayed up front taking pictures. We marched to the armed forces recruiting center which is on a traffic island in Times Square. The direct action people made a speech in front of it but with the press there it was pandemonium and I didn't even hear what they were saying. Then they walked over to Broadway and lay down. The police announced anyone not on the sidewalk would be arrested, but all of the photographers, including me, ignored this.

The Pentagon has released the summary of a top secret Pentagon document, which sketches America's agenda for global military domination.
Michel Chossudovsky runs it down for us and things don't look good. I have to believe there are enough sane people in the world that will counteract this belligerence. I have no doubt if Sarkozy runs and wins the next Presidential election here in France we will find ourselves part of this atrocity. Protest, protest, prostest!

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