Thursday, March 10, 2005

You're my bitch base

So, who is really getting fucked by this bankruptcy bill? Via Atrios:

Bankruptcy filing rank, by households per filing:

Utah 1
Tennessee 2
Georgia 3
Nevada 4
Indiana 5
Alabama 6
Arkansas 7
Ohio 8
Mississippi 9
Idaho 10

What the Jesuslanders don't get is that Bush will drop 'em like a bad habit when his true base starts making demands. Hmmm . . . So these are the people 'taking advantage' of bankruptcy protection? Ain't these the same people who bitch loudest about the liberals and their 'handouts'? Ain't these the same people who complain the most about 'government entitlements'? Ain't these the same people who bitch their tax money is going to 'the government welfate state' when it's my taxes supporting their infrastructure? While I know far more honest people will be hurt than those who are 'taking advantage', I can't help thinking 'good for ya's'. You're the assholes who gave the Repubs their 'mandate' and you're the ones who are getting it hardest and dryest from your boy. Now take it like the 'real men' you are. And watch me buy your double-wide at the foreclosure sale for ten cents on the dollar and rent it back to ya.

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