Monday, April 18, 2005

Back in the saddle

Okay, no applause, just throw money. Seriously, this hiatus worked out very well, ending with a wonderful weekend spent with the Mrs. It was her birthday this past Friday and I actually surprised her with a gift. Something extremely difficult to do, since she knows me so well after all these years, she can tell when I'm hiding something. Saturday evening we had an excellent dinner at Restaurant Mirabelle, one of our favorite haunts. Don't ask about yesterday, that's classified. In all, a very hedonistic weekend but a lot of fun.

I was very productive this past month as well. Technocracy is on its way to the publisher and I'll be resuming installments of Empires over at creativity beginning next weekend. Some serious productivity went on and I'm happy to say, mission accomplished. Unlike our shitbag (p)resident, I ain't lying.

With that in mind, I have to thank my blog partners Gordon and KR for doing a masterful job picking up my slack. From the bottom of my heart, guys, thank you very much. For their contributions, even as they had some serious technical difficulties with their site, Philippe and Dianne from Pourquoi Pas have my eternal thanks. They are a couple good folks who didn't know me from a hole in the ground when I asked them to guest blog here and stepped right up. Let me know if I can return the favor sometime.

To all the other bloggers whom I read and comment to regularly, I'm sorry for my absence. The only blog I've looked at over the past month was this one, just to see if there were any technical difficulties. the only news I got was from MSNBC and the local New York ABC affiliate. That's gonna get back to normal today too, so you'll see bullshit under my byline again in your comments.

So, it's off to the shop now but I'll be back this afternoon. I got a month's worth of bitching to make up for. Thanks again to everybody here for allowing me this month to get my shit together.

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