Friday, April 22, 2005

Backdoor coup

Personally, I thought is was when that woman I was dating finally let me . . . never mind. Glen sees it happening and he has a good point.

Unless you have been in a persistent vegetative state for the past few weeks, you've been aware of the Republicans' assault on one of the foundations of any democracy that does not require quotes: an independent judiciary. DeLay and Cornyn have come just short of endorsing ending judges' terms with extreme prejudice. Tammany Tom the Bugman has called for reorganizing the government, no doubt in his own image: call it the City Upon the Slag Heap (small, unmarked bills, please). Then there's the most frightening (to me) DeLay quote: "The reason we had a right to privacy is because Congress didn't stop them [the courts]." Obviously, we've go to do something about that.

Scared enough? Probably not. This morning, Avedon Carol gave me a jolt better than a caffeine IV.

[. . .]

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