Monday, April 25, 2005

Biden my time

Via Suburban Guerrilla:

[. . .]

Meanwhile Sunday, there were hints of a possible compromise. Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.), a senior member of the Judiciary Committee, told ABC News's "This Week": "I think we should compromise and say to them that we're willing to -- of the seven judges -- we'll let a number of them go through, the two most extreme not go through, and put off this [rule-change] vote." [- WaPo].

I want to like Joe Biden, I really do. I like his manner, and I think he knows foreign policy better than any Senator, but Jesus H. Christ, does he have to offer up his ass every time a fight gets hot? No, Joe, goddammit, no compromise, no quarter, NO FUCKING JESUS-FREAK JUDGES, period.

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