Sunday, April 24, 2005

But Jesus hates queers

Via Francesca from LA Times:

PASADENA, Texas — Texas lawmakers are considering legislation that could make this the only state to ban gays and lesbians from being foster parents.

Conservatives have pledged to fight for the measure, part of a bill to revamp the state's Child Protective Services agency, despite concerns that as many as 3,000 children could be removed from their homes. [my emphasis]

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3000 children torn away from loving homes. Shows ya how concerned the Repubs are about kids. Buncha assholes. What I've found (living in New York, I have a bunch of gay friends), is that some of the best and committed relationships are between gay couples. I know couples who've been together 20, 30, even 40 years, far more than among the hetero couples I know. Some have children, the vast majority whom have turned out bright and well-adjusted, what we'd all consider successes. Now, regardless of what it says about the marginalization of gays, it's what this will do to the children who are torn away from generally loving, nurturing families.

How can anyone say they care about children when they would willingly cause them this type of trauma? I mean, people don't become foster parents (generally) unless they want to give a child a good, stable home and lots of love. With all the child abuse we hear about occurring in the Lone Star State (Andrea Yates, and that other lady who cut off her kid's arms, and others; all 'good Christians'), why would they want to deny these children a loving home? Why would they go out of their way to hurt children in the name of God? Why would they want to reduce in size the pool of kind, caring people willing to open their home to a child who needs one? What Texas Repubs (and the lot of 'em nationally) are attempting to do is not Christian. Ladies and gents, I may be a little heathen but even I know Jesus wouldn't want that. Not the Jesus I learned about.

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