Friday, April 29, 2005


Four letters. NASA.

(CNN) -- NASA will delay the launch of the space shuttle Discovery, the first shuttle to fly since the 2003 Columbia disaster, from May until July because of safety concerns, NASA Administrator Michael Griffin said Friday.

Griffin said the decision was made after managers looked at technical reviews over the past 10 days.

"As a result of all that and in looking at the open analysis items and the small fixes that we need to make and some issues that arose during the tanking of Discovery ... the sum of all those things necessitates that we move out six or seven weeks," Griffin said.

[. . .]

Maybe they should have somebody who knows how the fucking thing works running the show over there? Now, I have the utmost respect for engineers. I've worked closely with some of the finest minds at Ford when I was with Motorsport back in my engine building days, but engineers don't know how things really work. Yeah, they can design shit, but they have no clue about how shit is done in the real world. I could tell you stories. Shit working on paper is far different from the fucking thing actually working when you flip the switch.

NASA has done some good shit over the years, don't get me wrong, but the folks running the show over the last two decades have lost their focus. This is something that should be privatized. It'll save the taxpayers a buncha money and progress will be more forthcoming. Let NASA do the happy little research shit, send their little rovers to Mars (though the place is starting to look like a used car lot), and explore space. Let the corporate world develop the cargo and resource-exploitation end of it. They'll do a better job and we won't have to go through the national trauma every time we lose a crew because the engineers can't figure out how to keep the fucking things together.

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