Thursday, April 21, 2005

Good neighbors

Connecticut is a beautiful state. I lived there for about a year. I've hiked the Appalachian Trail through there, from the New York line to Vermont many times and never failed to be enthralled by it's natural beauty. The people have an overly-high opinion of themselves, but I can live with that. They're good neighbors, even if they don't want us to put an electric cable across Long Island Sound. They've become even better neighbors last evening.

The last couple days, I've been starting off my morning rants by praising Republicans. I'm doing it today as well. Republican Connecticut Governor Jodi Rell, good on ya:

(Hartford-AP, April 20, 2005) — Connecticut is now the second state to recognize same-sex civil unions, and the first to do so without court pressure.

Governor Jodi Rell signed the bill about an hour after the state Senate sent the legislation to her desk. The law will allow thousands of gay and lesbian couples in Connecticut to be given the same rights and obligations as heterosexual couples, but not an actual marriage license.

Vermont has approved civil unions and neighboring Massachusetts has gay marriage, but those changes came about only after same-sex couples won court battles.

[. . .]

I know Pam will tell me a civil union isn't the same thing, and the equivalent of the 'separate-but-equal' doctrine toward the blacks in the middle of the last century, but it's a good start. The Legislators and Governor did this on their own (without pressure from a court order from 'activist judges') and deserve to be commended. Ship the Governor off an email or letter, or make a call, telling her how much you appreciate her ability to compromise on legislation long overdue:

Mailing Address

Governor M. Jodi Rell
Executive Office of the Governor
State Capitol
210 Capitol Avenue
Hartford, Connecticut 06106


Greater Hartford Area: 860-566-4840
Toll Free: 800-406-1527
TDD: 860-524-7397


Note: I just stopped by Pam's to see how she feels about this and she took it better than I thought she would.

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