Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I hope I'm wrong

But why do I get the feeling we're gonna rename Florida the 'O-K Corral'? WaPo:

MIAMI -- It is either a Wild West revival, a return to the days of "shoot first and ask questions later," or a triumph for the "Castle Doctrine" -- the notion that enemies invade personal space at their peril.

Such dueling rhetoric marked the debate over a measure that Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) could sign as early as Tuesday. The legislation passed so emphatically that National Rifle Association backers plan to take it to statehouses across the nation, including Virginia's, over the next year. The law will let Floridians "meet force with force," erasing the "duty to retreat" when they fear for their lives outside of their homes, in their cars or businesses, or on the street.

[. . .]

I hope they don't think I'm going to take my family to DisneyWorld after this goes into effect. Done my time in war zones, ain't walking into one willingly. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

And just a thought before I head out. How many shootings you think there will be during Speed Weeks and Bike Week at Daytona next year? At Spring Break? Can we give Florida back to the Spanish?

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