Monday, April 11, 2005

It Will be Karl Rove Who Brings Down Tom DeLay, Not the Democrats.

DeLay is gonna walk a plank of his own party's making. It's not for being sleazy as you might think. It's for gettin' too big for his britches, as my uncle used to say to me just before he'd dope slap me. This is a good thing. From Buzzflash:
Considering the free ride Bush's lapses in honesty and executive branch corruption have been given by the mainstream media, you have to wonder why there's such a press pile-up on DeLay. It's fully justified, but why DeLay? I mean the Republican one-party government is crawling with errant snakes.

Well, we said it about the media frenzy surrounding Trent Lott's lauding of Strom Thurmond and we'll say it about Tom DeLay. It's not the Democrats that will bring down Tom DeLay; it's the Executive Branch and the White House that are leaking like a sieve. Karl Rove's fingerprints are all over this knife.

DeLay has forgotten the golden rule: George W. Bush comes before any Republican's personal agenda or power play.

DeLay has forgotten that he doesn't control the judiciary or the media; the White House does.

There's only room for one Godfather among the Busheviks; and Tom DeLay, not content to have the Congress as his concession and stay in the background, is stepping on Karl Rove's carefully crafted image of Bush.

Karl Rove is sharpening up his cutlery. Tom DeLay ought to be watching his Bushevik backside .

The former exterminator and present "Dioxin brain" has started to cast a shadow on the White House and draw undue attention to the real delusional goals of its inhabitants. His ego has gotten the better of him, and he's forgotten who is the Don of the mob.

Rove is just about ready to pour the cockroach killer all over Tom.

And the man who crawled out from under a rock of immorality can't even see it coming.

A rattler never does.

I disagree with that last line. Interesting thing about rattlesnakes: if you have to shoot one of 'em, you don't have to hit him. He'll see the bullet coming and strike at it. He'll catch it, too.

It'd be nice if they'd can his ass for his crimes and ethical shortcomings. That'd be like Genghis Khan throwing you out of the posse for excessive cruelty.

Looks like they're gonna do it cause he's a loudmouth asshole who's jeopardizing their culture of lies. Hey, I'll take it.

I wonder if Rove will make a hatband out of him?

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