Monday, April 18, 2005

Jesus-freak, hypocrite bastids

Roll Call (Sub Only) via Kos:

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Sources say the Senator [Mel Martinez, R-FL] does not plan to make any more staff changes beyond that of Martinez's counsel, Brian Darling, who left the office. Darling belatedly admitted circulating a memo that urged Republicans to get involved in the Terri Schiavo case, in part because it could yield political benefits. [my emphasis]

[. . .]

Aren't these the pious Christians? Aren't these the kind, caring, doing all they can to protect life Christains? Don't give me this peace, love, and goodwill to men shit when the only reason you're in it is for the political payoff. After what these Jesus-freaks put that poor woman through, Jeb and the lot of them should be swinging from the end of a rope. These people have no souls, that's what Jesus would say, you motherfuckers.

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