Friday, April 29, 2005

Oy gevult!

I was lucky enough to be at dinner with the Mrs. and her AA when (p)resident Nutless Wonder was on TV last night. Unfortunately, I got to see the high(low)lights on the news this morning. Yeesh.

Is it me, or should the President of the United States look and act a bit more confidently? I mean, he looked like a 6th grader in front of the class for the first time, shuffling, squirming, losing his train of thought. I've never seen a man in the office of the Presidency look so out of place, so out of his element (which would be clearing brush on his ranch).

Even Jimmy Carter seemed more at ease, even when it was going to shit around him. Nixon looked more confident when he told us 'I am not a crook'. Clinton was even able to look us all in the eye when he said 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman'. And who can forget G.H.W. Bush when he confidently and sternly told us 'read my lips, no new taxes'. I guess the Chimp's discomfort comes from living in a insulated world of sycophants and yes-men and then being thrust before a group of skeptics.

Agree or disagree with any of his predecessors over the past half-century, most of them were aware of the responsibilities and demands of the office and lived up to them, regardless of idealogy. It is quite obvious that our current President is neither aware, nor does he care. In short, he represented the mindset of this nation last night.

This is a nation of scared, uninformed, and undereducated people who, as long as they're being told everything is fine, are happy to go through their days with blinders on until finally, reality comes bursting through in all its clarity. It's becoming clear lately, that's for sure, and more and more folks are opeining their eyes. It's why the 64% of this nation now feels the man is a total fuckup.

I think it's about time to chase the petulant teenagers out of the Congress and 1600 and let the adults straighten this shit out before we're all sunk. The U.S. cannot be run like a Third World dictatorship or a high school where the teachers have suddenly taken leave. If we keep this shit up, we're gonna break America badly enough that she can't be fixed.

Update: 06:00:

Heraldblog, guest blogging at Blogenlust while John moves from S.F. to NYC (our gain, S.F.'s loss), has a good take on the shit-shoveling session last night.

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