Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Once again, the Repubs show their paper assholes. Via Big Brass Blog from Common Dreams:

The UN's top human rights investigator in Afghanistan has been forced out under American pressure just days after he presented a report criticising the US military for detaining suspects without trial and holding them in secret prisons.

Cherif Bassiouni had needled the US military since his appointment a year ago, repeatedly trying, without success, to interview alleged Taliban and al-Qa'ida prisoners at the two biggest US bases in Afghanistan, Kandahar and Bagram.

Mr Bassiouni's report had highlighted America's policy of detaining prisoners without trial and lambasted coalition officials for barring independent human rights monitors from its bases.

[. . .]

So how are we any different from some tin-horn dictator in some Third World toilet? Oh yeah, we're a 'superpower' so we have the juice to pull this guy's plug. The Third world despot can only give the U.N. the finger.

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