Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Shame on me

Because I've been meaning to say something about this for a week. Yelladog does a great job:

I encourage you to read Bob Herbert's memorial to Marla Ruzicka in the NY Times today.

[. . .]

This wonderful article is balm to my fevered brow in the wake of the vilification of Ruzicka's memory by The Usual Suspects on the Blunt Trauma Right. I suspect that the vision of their own grotesqueness and flaccid failings in life propel much of their venom. It's important for me to remember this when I get exercised enough to start thinking about taking my watch off, rolling up my sleeves and dispensing a little "Mind your manners when you're speaking about a woman, boy" gospel to the pajama brigade.

Perhaps it's sexual envy- one hardly ever sees this kind of venom sprayed hither and yon when a male relief worker dies. But let a principled and nubile young woman die in pursuit of justice, and it's digital scarlet letter time. It reminds me of the fat geeks who, during our freshman year of college, deemed every woman who would not sleep with speak to them to be of one of four types of undesirables: Whore, Dyke, Frigid or Psycho. Add to that list "Traitorous Lefty Bitch," and I think that our toes may have just found the bottom of this cesspool of rage and venom.

[. . .]

This woman was an American hero and her life was shrugged off with nary a thought by the American media. Thank God we voted in favor 'moral values' 6 months ago.

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