Tuesday, April 26, 2005


What have I been bitching about since last year? From Asia Times via Michael Hawkins:

[. . .]

All four military services missed their enlistment quotas last year, according to one analysis, and regular military, reserve and National Guard recruitment levels are at a 30-year low.

With a lack of new troops, the Pentagon has relied heavily on rotations to maintain the 150,000-strong force in Iraq. Yet a Pentagon-funded poll in late 2003 found that 49% of troops did not plan to re-enlist, and that number is likely to be even higher now.

Without a major influx of new recruits, many observers say the option of relying on Reserves and National Guard troops is not sustainable. [my emphases]

[. . .]

One question. Does any general officer in the Pentagon, or another command, have the balls to tell Rummy this is a recepie for disaster? I didn't think so. God, they don't make officers like they used to.

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