Monday, April 25, 2005

'Splain this


Bodies of two missing toddlers found, Georgia authorities say -


I'm watching the parents being interviewed. Why is it that all these child killings happen in Jesusland? I mean, kids get killed here, but it's usually for some sorta reason (gang activity, drug deals, a girl). Why is it there are so many of the sickos down there? I mean, these are the same folks who say New York is so bad for the reasons I listed above. These are supposed to be Jesus' chosen people, right? Shouldn't the whackjobs be spawned by the Liberal urban areas instead of the 'Moral Majority' ones? I mean, if you follow their logic . . . Oh . . . wait . . . never mind.

Update: 18:00:

In comments, the CultureGhost asked a good question:

Are their stats any higher than the nation as a whole?

Chart here. The short answer, in a state by state comparison, is yes.

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